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The Power of Intention: More Than Just Goals

The Power of Intention: More Than Just Goals

September 26, 20232 min read

Recently, I found myself pondering a seemingly simple question: “What are your intentions for this week?” My business coach posed this question, and instinctively, I mistook ‘intentions’ for ‘goals’. But as our discussion progressed, I realized the question had layers to it, diving much deeper than I initially thought.

At first glance, “intention” and “goal” appear to be twins, two peas in the same pod. But as I delved deeper into my personal journey for holistic support, it became evident that they were more like distant cousins, related but distinct.

Intentions, as I’ve come to understand, are the deeper “why” behind our actions. It’s not the target on the dartboard but the force propelling the dart. While goals are tangible, intentions linger in the background, providing the emotional and spiritual framework for our actions. An intention could be something as profound as wanting to operate my life and my business from a place of gratitude and authenticity. It’s broader, encompassing the entire spectrum of my actions without being tied down to a singular outcome.

On the flip side, goals are the milestones, the signposts along my journey. They’re tangible, measurable, and specific. A goal might be to launch a new product line by year’s end or to onboard ten new clients this month. It’s about the outcome, the tangible results we can see and measure.

So, when my coach asked about my intentions, she wasn’t merely inquiring about my weekly to-do list. She was asking about the energies, the feelings, and the motivations I wanted to bring into my week. It was a revelation. Setting an intention like “I want to approach my tasks with positivity and enthusiasm” can have a cascading effect on my goals, like finishing a project or solving a business challenge.

Now, some might argue about the authentic nature of intentions. I used to be one of them.  It’s a valued belief system that sets clear and heartfelt intentions and guides our experiences, aligning our actions with opportunities resonating with those intentions.

In this holistic journey, I’ve learned the importance of both goals and intentions. While goals give us a clear path and milestones, intentions set the emotional and spiritual tone for our journey. Every goal I set is now anchored in a deeper intention, providing it with purpose and direction.

So, the next time someone asks, “What are your intentions for this week?” Remember, it’s not just about the goals; it’s about the heart and soul behind them. It’s life’s “secret sauce.”

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