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Learn to Find Your Bravery in the Waves

Learn to Find Your Bravery in the Waves

September 20, 20232 min read

In a world that’s always moving, I’ve learned not to chase after people or dreams that don’t seem eager to stay. Instead, I choose to stand strong, a steady force for those eager to rise, to better themselves, to grasp onto the hope of brighter days. My belief in this has grown over time, shaped by the tough decisions life sometimes throws our way.

Imagine this: A boat was falling apart in the water, a scene right out of a suspense movie. The only hope was a helicopter zooming in, ready to lift people to safety. But here’s the hitch – there weren’t enough seats for everyone. The person at the controls faced a heartbreaking choice: deciding who gets saved and who gets left behind.

As I picture this scene, a moment of truth hits me like a lightning bolt. The ones who were making an effort, fighting against the waves, swimming towards the helicopter, they were the ones who would be saved. They weren’t just waiting around; they were fighting, showing they wanted more, showing they deserved a chance.

This little story isn’t just about a dramatic rescue at sea. It’s a lesson about life, about work, and about building strong bonds with others. In my world, I don’t waste time running after people who don’t want to be in my life. No, I stand ready and eager to support those who are striving, who are working hard to lift themselves up.

Whether it’s in selling a product or nurturing friendships, this principle holds true. It’s the go-getters, the ones who show up ready to climb higher, who really make a difference. They remind me of those swimmers in the ocean, not giving up, battling against the tide, and reaching for the help that’s hovering above them.

So to all of the fighters, the brave souls who aren’t afraid to swim against the current, who are being proactive, and empowering yourself to greatness, who aren’t waiting to be saved but are taking control of their own lives.  I am here for you, ready to lend a hand, ready to cheer you on as you rise above the waves, reaching for the bright and shining future that awaits you. Let’s build a world where we all strive to climb higher, together.

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